(一)统考课程: 品行良好(操行A/B)、五年级或六年级学校成绩5科(华文、国文、英文、数学、科学)总平均需达65%或以上。
07.30am-08.00am 报到
08.30am-09.20am 华文 BC
09.20am-10.10am 国文 BM
10.10am-10.40am 休息
10.40am-11.30am 英文 BI
11.30am-12.20pm 数学 MATHS
12.20pm-12.50pm 科学 SC
随着入学考试成绩的公布,本校将依照入学考试成绩为录取标准。届时,小学 成绩只供参考不再为入学标准。
有意报名者,请登入本校官方网站clphs.edu.my填写报名表。报名所需文件为照片1张、报生纸(副本)、学校成绩及4至6年级校内外得奖文凭。先报先得,额满为止。若有疑问,可通过电话04-8283655/ 8283373或电邮clphspg@gmail.com 询问,谢谢。
(一)统考课程: 品行良好(操行A/B)、五年级或六年级学校成绩5科(华文、国文、英文、数学、科学)总平均需达65%或以上。
07.30am-08.00am 报到
08.30am-09.20am 华文 BC
09.20am-10.10am 国文 BM
10.10am-10.40am 休息
10.40am-11.30am 英文 BI
11.30am-12.20pm 数学 MATHS
12.20pm-12.50pm 科学 SC
随着入学考试成绩的公布,本校将依照入学考试成绩为录取标准。届时,小学 成绩只供参考不再为入学标准。
有意报名者,请登入本校官方网站clphs.edu.my填写报名表。报名所需文件为照片1张、报生纸(副本)、学校成绩及4至6年级校内外得奖文凭。先报先得,额满为止。若有疑问,可通过电话04-8283655/ 8283373或电邮clphspg@gmail.com 询问,谢谢。
Chung Ling Private High School New Intake 2021
As the UPSR examination is cancelled, starting from today, Chung Ling Private High School is open for registrations for Junior/Form 1 New Intake of 2021. The following are the admission requirements:1. UEC Course: Good Behaviour (Behavioural Grade A/B); a cumulative average of 65% and above for Year 5 or 6 subjects (i.e. Chinese, Malay, English, Mathematics, Science).
2. IGCSE Course: Good Behaviour (Behavioural Grade A/B); a cumulative average of 75% and above for Year 5 or 6 subjects (i.e. Chinese, Malay, English, Mathematics, Science) & English, Mathematics and Science are 80% and above each.
All intakes have to take the School’s Entrance/Placement Exam, which includes Chinese, Malay, English, Mathematics and Science. The registration fee is RM30. The purpose of this exam is to gauge students’ academic abilities, while providing enrollment opportunities for those who do not meet the Primary level academic requirements.
Entrance/Placement Exam Date: 18 October 2020 (Sunday) Schedule:
07.30am-08.00am Registration
08.30am-09.20am Chinese
09.20am-10.10am Malay
10.10am-10.40am Recess
10.40am-11.30am English
11.30am-12.20pm Mathematics
12.20pm-12.50pm Science
Attire: Casual clothing and shoes (Venues are air-conditioned. Candidates may bring own jackets/sweater).
Result announcement: 23 October 2020(Friday), 12 noon, online at the school’s official website. As the entrance exam results are announced, the school will process admissions according to the results of the exam. Primary school results will be considered only as references and not the entry requirement.
Any parent who wish to register kindly visit the school’s official website: clphs.edu.my and fill in the registration form. A passport-sized photo, birth certificate (photocopied), school result reports and co-curricular awards obtained between Standard 4 to 6 are required for the registration process. The registration is conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you have any inquiry, please call 04- 828 3655 / 828 or email (clphspg@gmail.com). Thank you.